The double editing window platform, stemming back to Vannevar Bush’s Memex, is fundamentally spot on, and the program overall is fast and reliable — and powerful. Being able to load and manipulate PDFs quickly a major bonus. Where it is stunningly weak is in the document linking function. Linking is a major function of any serious document management program and that this isn’t a right mouse button click away but rather buried in the pull-down menus is a major inconvenience. The problem doesn’t end there: any section of a document you want to make a link to — say a key paragraph in a research (ie. PDF) document — requires that you copy the text of interest, paste it into an editing document, and then manually link that pasted text back to the document from which it came. Seriously? Then, any section of text you have copied and made into a link (viz. back to a source document) doesn’t then take you back to the exact location when you click on the link but instead just calls up the document that you then have to manually search for the location and context in which the copied text was originally found -- a deal breaker for serious users, such as researchers and graduate students, who should look to another product if they need an easy way to catalog key document sections for later retrieval.
WasNeues? about Scrivener, v2.8