Love this piece of writing software. There is a lot to it which may be intimidating if you try to take it in all at once but download the pdf manual and slowly add features as you need them. There are also numerous Youtube video instructions available which I find very helpful.
My favorite way to outline is by using the index cards. I write a synopsis on each card adding, removing and reordering until my outline is complete. Then I can just open each card and write that section of the story.
Recently, I found out about using Hoist Binder (under Documents in the menu bar) to hide all but the folder I’m working in so I can hide all of my character, location and research folders and just concentrate on the manuscript itself when I’m ready to start fleshing out my story. Unhoist to bring them back.
These are just a couple of simple features that make Scrivener a favourite for writers of all stripes and I highly recommend it!
Anneinvan about Scrivener, v2.8