I have been using Scrivener for a few years now. It has always been a terrific tool for writing, but with the addition of the iOS companion application, Scrivener has gotten even better. Now you can write anywhere at anytime. On your phone. On your iPad. And of course on your Mac. Scrivener puts the focus on the words that you are writing. You can minutely control the writing environment, but the program also gets out of your way when you need to concentrate on filling blank pages with words. It is very easy to outline documents, to move scenes or blocks of text around, and to export your work to any format that you could possibly want, including ePub (for publishing in iBooks) or mobi (for publishing in Kindle). The documentation is very detailed, and there is a lively user forum to address questions. If you are a long form writer, Scrivener is simply terrific.
reg12345 about Scrivener, v2.8